Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Activités de reboisement (Activities from the Fundraising)

       Take a look...last year our 6th graders worked diligently to raise money to help a school they had connected with in Senegal.  The photos on this post are the first results of our fundraising and work from last year.  They raised enough money for the school to purchase an iPad, which will help with communication efforts for continued cross cultural conversations.  The iPad was also used to take the photos to share with the students here at our school. 
        PAML has connections with this school with Green Across the Pacific (now Green Across the World), specifically with Adama Ndiaye and Ken Hood at UVM.  Both have visited our school several times and Adama's sister Nancy, who teaches there is in one of the photos.  Malick Djop has also visited PAML, he is another teacher int he photo.  This is a very poor school, and the photos show their first steps to improve the environment, though the planting of trees.  They hope to improve the soil to the extent of being able to have a garden at the school.
Malick, one of the teachers

Adama's sister in the yellow