Tuesday, January 6, 2015


What are your hopes?  That phrase is everywhere this week as we move into a new year.  I've heard it being asked of students as well as seen and heard it in just about everything I watch or read. What are OUR hopes?  As we think about our students at PAML we have grand hopes for them! We hope they are happy, healthy and curious learners.  We hope they are active, social and kind.  We truly hope that they become connected to others, compassionate and giving as they spend their precious years here at PAML and beyond.  We hope this for each other and for our families in the community. Please continue with all of the wonderful support you give to our school in terms of having your students here, excited and ready to go each day and helping them at home each evening.  We are all in this together as our children navigate the interesting waters of Middle School!