Here's a note from our 5th grade teachers:
September 25, 2014
Peoples Academy Middle Level
Open House
Dear Parents and Guardians of 5th graders,
On October 9th, PAML will be hosting our annual Open House at 6:00 - 7:00.
Team Journey is excited to invite families of 5th graders to join us at 5:30 pm for an introduction to our 1:1 iPad program. We will go over the following:
- iPad contract: What are student and family responsibilities? Accessories included (iPad sleeve, charger and cords, iPad case.)
- Device overview: What will your child be doing on the iPad? Drive, Notability, PowerSchool, Team Journey Website, Edmodo.
- Time Management: Who is ultimately in charge of iPad use time? Common Sense Media
- Portfolio/Evidence/Reflection: How will my child be showcasing their learning?
- Individualized iPad plans: When will my child take their iPad home? Tech Violations.
At the conclusion of our meeting, your child would like to take you through a tour of their iPad and answer any questions you may have. This is an opportunity for you to become familiar with your child’s digital learning tools.
After the meeting, please be sure to have your child walk you through their day. They see many different teachers throughout the school day, all over our building (Expos, Lit. Ladders, and Experts.) Be sure to stop by the library for the Book Fair! Our librarian, Shannon DeSantis, will be happy to help your child select books for a great year of reading.
We look forward to seeing you on October 9th at 5:30 (the rest of the school’s Open House will start at 6:00pm).
Ms. Emerson
Mrs. Ludington
Miss Lindsey