Thursday, November 20, 2014

Global Communication

Last week 10 excited 6th grade students attended a conference at UVM to learn about being a facilitator.  There were students from all around state as well as many adults. In addition, we had a virtual connection with a school in Nova Scotia, Senegal, and 2 schools in Puerto Rico.  This made for an exciting day for everyone.  Here are some snippets from the students after they returned, as well as a photo collage that one student created.

"I learned that working with people you have never met can be really awkward at some points, but it can also be really fun what's you get to know them a bit better."

"When you talk with your friends that you've know for 5-6 years, you learn nothing new. But when you talk with people you just met, you learn new opinions."

"In the student facilitator meeting we learned about what it takes to be a facilitator, and what is a facilitator.
In the meeting we did a chalk wall and everything that was written on the chalk walls was "How can I/We make this world better?  The second chalk wall was about "What do you think a facilitator does? "

"What is a facilitator?
A facilitator is someone that helps you along the way kind of like drawing way but not really telling you what to do.
How can you be a facilitator?
Share the stage
Confidence in others 
Inspire others 
Share the spot light."